Zech 9-14 appear to predict the Jewish victory during the Maccabean Wars and yet Zech 9:9 seems to be fulfilled in Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey and Zech 12:10 appears to point to Jesus’ crucifixion. Does Zech 9:9 and 12:10 undermine the fulfillment of Zechariah 9-14 during the Maccabean Wars? Not at all! Most Messianic prophecies applied to Jesus were actually fulfilled in someone else long before. In other words, most Messianic prophecies were typological. Many Messianic predictions applied to Jesus were actually written by King David who applied them to himself perhaps with a sense that these predictions were to also transpire in the life of the Messiah some time later. Other examples of Messianic prophecies were fulfilled shortly after they were written in the life of someone else. One prominent example is Is 7:14. Here Isaiah appears to predict the virgin birth Christ fulfilled in Mt 1:18-25. And this is true typologically. However, Is 7:14 was initially fulfilled in the following chapter in the birth of the prophetess’s son (Is 8:3). Zechariah 9:9 and 12:10 were also presumably fulfilled initially in the Maccabean Wars though typologically in Jesus.